Category: Releases

  • Are you ready? 

    Are you ready? 

    Today is the official release date for WAW! – the album from my trio Winther/Andersson/Watts and I’m so happy to being able to share this with you.  We recorded the album in August when Jeff was in Copenhagen, and I’m still amazed at how well our common energy from those days translated into the album.…

  • See you in Bremen

    Imagine that you find yourself in a hall in a huge congress centre. You’re there to network and meet and engage with people for business. Some people you’ve met before, but mostly you don’t know the people there. Yes, it can be tedious or demanding. But then imagine doing it blindly. Thursday, I’m going to…

  • A new year and a new single

    I hope 2024 has been kind to you all so far. To me, this first month, has meant a lot of admin work. Several arts and music funds have their application deadlines in this time of year and I have spent some time writing applications and project proposals. But there are also a few artistic…

  • Gifts, gifts and more gifts

    So many exciting things are happening at the moment. It can be hard to keep up. In the beginning of November, I went to Nykøbing Mors where I played a very special show at Limfjordsteatret. Two choreographers created the show with drama students from the local high school and I made the soundtrack along with…

  • Upcoming release May 12: Undo by Richard Andersson NOR feat. Hilmar Jensson

    Excited to be releasing my 3rd studio recording with my Icelandic trio NOR with Oskar Gudjonsson on reeds and Matthias Hemstock on drums. This time we invited my all time favorite Icelandic guitar player Hilmar Jensson to join us. Already now there are 3 tunes available on Bandcamp and you can preorder the digital album…

  • New Release: Anne Efternøler & Lige Børn

    Anne Efternøler, Thomas Morgan, Richard Andersson, Anders AC Christensen ”…the three bass players are excellent listeners, who never get in each others way, but work closely together…and leave space for each other. Meanwhile Efternøler almost hovers above with beautiful playing.” // “one of this autumns really great releases” SaltPeanuts (EU). Listen on your platform of…

  • New Release: Inviting by Møllehøj/Andersson/Rossy

    “…a gentle appeal and a luminous feel.” (UK) “Accept the invitation, folks!” Nettavisen (NO) ”so elegant and softly drawn” (DE) Listen on your platform of choice. Inviting by Per Møllehøj, Richard Andersson, Jorge Rossy

  • New Release: U·synlig by Richard Andersson

    ***** GAFFA Music Magazine 5/6 stars “”U·Synlig is, in every sense, exclusive and ambitious, remarkable, awe-inspiring and well executed” “Richard Andersson is a poet on the bass” (Niels Overgård, Jazznyt) “…varied, beautiful, in-depth and exciting…” (Jan Granlie, Salt-peanuts) Order my solo album U·synligU·Synlig by Richard Andersson

  • Richard Andersson NOR: Vinyl release!

    Richard Andersson NOR / Nor is now available on vinyl. Thanks to Dansk Kapelmesterforening and DJBFA for financial support and to Magnus Helgason for beautiful artwork. You can buy it here

Richard Andersson